15 March 2007

Yu Tokisaki and Manabu Watanabe to FC Berada Fukushima

It was announced that Yu Tokisaki and Manabu Watanabe will join FC Berada Fukushima this year. This team, located in Fukushima city, has steadily advanced since its founding. It joins the Tohoku regional league this year and seems likely to enter the JFL in the near future. It seems to be Fukushima's best chance at joining the J. League in the upcoming years.

Tokisaki will be taking over as head coach for the team, while Watanabe will be a player. Both had been with Mito since 2005.

Tokisaki Yu's comment to the fans: 「水戸のユニホームを着て戦えた事を誇りに思います。サポーター、監督、コーチングスタッフそして選手、水戸で関わることのできた全ての人達に感謝しています。恩返しができないまま離れるのは残念ですが、水戸がJ1昇格した時には勝手に祝賀会に参加します。これからは地元福島で頑張りたいと思います。すぐ隣の県なので、思い出したら会いに来てください。また再会できる日を楽しみにしています。」("I think I'll treasure fighting in Mito's uniform. I feel gratitude toward the supporters, coach, coaching staff, and all people relating to Mito. I feel bad that I cannot contribute to it, but when Mito rises into Division 1, I will join everyone at the celebration party. I'm going to try my hardest in Fukushima, though. It's the prefecture next door, please come and see me if you remember me. I look forward to the day when we can meet again.")

Manabu Watanabe's comment to the fans:「2年間たくさんの応援ありがとうございました。今年からカテゴリーが違いますが、志高く必ずJの舞台へ戻りますので、変わらぬ応援をよろしくお願いします。」("Thank you so much for your support over the past two years. The situation may be different from this year, but I will surely be back in the J. League, so I ask that you not change the kind support I have been given.")

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